
Australian Pulmonary Function Laboratory (APFL)

Australian Pulmonary Function Laboratory (APFL)

APFL is first of its kind in Lahore, Pakistan, providing high end pulmonary function testings, expert interpretation ultimately leading to improvement in patient’s health outcome. It is equipped to perform spirometry (before and after bronchodilation), bronchial provocation test/challenge testing, measurements of diffusion/transfer capacity of lungs, static lung volume measurements (plethysmography), inspiratory and expiratory pressure measurements, skin aeroallergen testings, exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), altitude simulation test and cardiopulmonary exercise test.

Please speak to our friendly staff to determine the best combination of tests required along with instruction regarding inhaler therapy before the tests. Your referring doctor may also suggest the required pulmonary function testing. The results will be sent to you and your referring doctor for management of your condition.

Our expert friendly staff also provides education on correct/appropriate use of inhaler therapy, breathing exercises and use of nebulizers. 

Dr Sarwar hails from Lahore. After graduating from King Edward Medical College in 2005, he went to Australia to undertake further training. He worked across many tertiary care reputable institutions and was awarded fellowship of Royal Australasian College of Physician (FRACP) in 2016 in General Medicine followed by dual fellowship in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine. He continues to hold consultant physician position in a tertiary care hospital in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. He has also worked in private specialist clinic along with private hospitals during his stay in Australia.

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Australian Pulmonary function Lab, Lahore (APFL) is first advanced PFT lab in Lahore, Pakistan, providing high end pulmonary function testings, expert interpretation ultimately leading to improvement in patient’s health outcome. r sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The following tests can be performed in PFT lab.

  1. Spirometry (before and after bronchodilation)
  2. Measurements of diffusion capacity or transfer capacity of lungs (DLCO)
  3. Detailed lung volume measurements including TLC and residual volume (plethysmography)
  4. Comprehensive/detailed PFT (including spirometry, DLCO, and lung volumes)
  5. Bronchial provocation test/challenge testing
  6. Skin aeroallergen testings
  7. Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO)
  8. Arterial Blood Gas (ABG)
  9. Six-minute walk test (6MWT)

Please speak to our friendly staff to determine the best combination of tests required along with instruction regarding inhaler therapy before the tests. Your referring doctor may also suggest the required pulmonary function testing. The results will be sent to you and your referring doctor for management of your condition.
Our expert friendly staff also provides education on correct/appropriate use of inhaler therapy, breathing exercises and use of nebulizers.
Dr G Sarwar Chaudhry (Pulmonologist and Sleep Physician, incharge of APFL)
He was awarded fellowship of Royal Australasian College of Physician (FRACP) in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine. He has extensive experience in managing complex PFT or breathing tests along with management of PFT lab. You can read more about Dr Sarwar Chaudhry.

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